October 03, 2005

ONLINE | Digital Writing on -empyre-

Throughout October ... Writing is one of the oldest known technologies, but the concept of writing did not change as substantially as the different forms of text mediation have done, throughout the years. Nevertheless, the invention of press and, most recently, of the computer, altered important operations related to how words and paragraphs are organized. Also, devices such as the Internet, DVD and mobile equipments allowed new forms of writing and publishing.

During the month of October, Bill Seaman, Brigid McLeer, Friedrich Block, Giselle Beiguelman and Sue Thomas will discuss, at the ­ empyre ­ mailing list (http://www.subtle.net/empyre), if the concept of
writing is still adequate to describe the most eloquent examples of creative processes involving words and digital media. Given the growing use of sound, image and programming at the web — once claimed to be the media that brought text back to the center of an increasingly image oriented culture— what is the state of the art, on the field of digital writing? Issues such as the recombinant nature of digital writing, writing for public spaces (and related notions of placement / displacement), sampling as a form of intertextuality and writing for mobile devices, among others, will be the central topics.
