A site for a conference that happened in 2002 - Writing about Art: A Symposium on the Rhetoric of Art Criticism.
What does it mean to say that a picture is "worth" a thousand words? This symposium, sponsored by the Leslie Humanities Center, the Hood Museum, the Department of Art History, and the Frederick Sessions Beebe Professorship in the Art of Writing, will explore fundamental questions about the history of art criticism, the relation between visual art and verbal responses to it, the difference (if any) between description and interpretation, and the interdependence of language and images.
James Heffernan, Professor of English at Dartmouth and Frederick Sessions Beebe Professor in the Art of Writing, has published widely on the relation between literature and art. His books include The Re-Creation of Landscape: A Study of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Constable, and Turner (1985) and Museum of Words: The Poetics of Ekphrasis from Homer to Ashbery (1993).
Linda Nochlin, Lila Acheson Wallace Professor of Modern Art at the New York University Institute of Fine Arts, has published extensively on art ranging from the Renaissance to our own time. Her many books include Realism (1971), Courbet Reconsidered (1988), The Politics of Vision: Essays on 19th Century Art and Society (1989), and Representing Women (1999).
W.J.T. Mitchell, Gaylord Donnelley Distinguished Service Professor of English and of Art at the University of Chicago and editor of Critical Inquiry, specializes in theorizing about the language of images. His books include Blake’s Composite Art (1978), The Language of Images (1980), Iconology: Image, Text, Ideology (1986), and Picture Theory (1994).