June 14, 2005

ARTICLE | Blogs as marketing ...

A report in the LA Times, by Chris Lee, reveals that 'making of' weblogs are the latest trend in film marketing. They have the affect of drawing in fans and generating interest in new productions.

Here's an extract from the report: In April, Peter Jackson, director of the big-budget remake of "King Kong," broadcast his plans to expand the ape epic (due in theaters this December) into a trilogy of films. But his "exclusive announcement" wasn't delivered through the usual channels — the obligatory press release or television interview. News came via his video production diary on the fan website kongisking.net. Using his weekly weblog, Jackson presented digital mock-ups and demonstrated motion capture technology to be used in the sequel, intercut with an interview with its star, Naomi Watts. Most alarming to "Kong" purists, however, were details about the second installment, "Son of Kong": Kong's spawn, a gigantic albino gorilla with machine guns mounted on his back, would battle genetically mutated Nazis during World War II.

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