November 01, 2005

BLOGS | Eyebeam reBlog

The Eyebeam reBlog is a community site focused on art, technology, and culture. The guest reBlogger is filtering feeds provided by artists, curators, bloggers, and news sites. With the touch of a button the reBlogger selects material to share with the Eyebeam community. reBlogs are useful to people or groups who want to maintain a weblog but prefer 'curating' content to writing original posts. Essentially it is a really useful tool to easily redistribute relevant content.

reBlog is a piece of software that was developed by Eyebeam R&D < production.php?page=randd> which facilitates the process of filtering and republishing relevant content from multiple RSS feeds. reBloggers can subscribe to their favorite online content feeds, preview the content, and select their favorite posts to republish.

Current reBlogger is Eyebeam's Executive Director Amanda McDonald Crowley.