January 19, 2005

ONLINE | New issue of cut.up.magazine

A new year, a new edition of cut.up.magazine. If only everything would be so simple.
Check: http://www.cut-up.com

Two new articles in English:
Genetically modified plants aka Frankenfood as a new instrument of surveillance (Wilfried Houjebek); and the practice of time and space in the ladies compartment of the local train in Mumbai City (Zainab Bawa).

For those who would like to go Dutch:
Micromusic and the revival of the gameboy, Atari and Commodore as musical instruments (Tonie van Ringelestijn); literary work on Kroonduiven Slijm and Derridada (J.K. Harsman); and positive Orientalism and the travels of Foucault to Iran (André Bank).

And new reviews (but, of course!): reSort off, Strange Attractor, LCD Soundsystem, KPTMichigan, Under the Bridge in Belgrade, Duran Duran Duran and the Yule Festival. Visual stuff by Frank Kloos.

Praise, critique, ideas, contributions? Please let us know:
editors, info@cut-up.com
po box 313
the Netherlands

January 12, 2005

CFP | Kritikos

an international and interdisciplinary journal of postmodern cultural sound, text and image
(ISSN 1552-5112):

Kritikos is currently accepting submissions for publication in 2004/2005. The purpose of the journal is to publish work that materializes theoretical and artistic renderings of, and practical approaches to culture. In particular, Kritikos seeks to publish work that is focused upon the currency of the postmodern period.
Kritikos publishes material continuously; please allow 1-3 months for review.

Articles should be submitted in MSWord or .RTF format and be between 3-6K words in length; book reviews should be between 750-2000 words. Video and images should be submitted in commonly utilized formats (e.g., .SWF, MP3, AVI, Real Media, MPEG, Windows Media, .JPG, .GIF, .WAV etc.)

Send submissions via email or post:
Nicholas Ruiz III
Editor, Kritikos
GTA/doctoral student
Interdisciplinary Program in the Humanities
Florida State University 205
P Dodd Hall, CPO (#1560)
Tallahassee, FL 32306


Subatomic and Particle Poetry
By Peter Howard
An entertaining guided tour of some exciting new developments in electronic poetry. Includes Peter Howard's animations of poems by Roger McGough and Wendy Cope.

Come visit the Word Circuits Gallery (http://www.wordcircuits.com/gallery), where you'll find this new work. Then check out the other hypertext and Flash pieces by Milorad Pavic, Stephanie Strickland, Deena Larsen, Bill Bly, Peter Howard, Komninos Zervos, and Jackie Craven. Word Circuits also offers essays, reviews, and many other resources focusing on electronic literature. There's even downloadable hypertext software.


January 10, 2005


Journal of Culture and Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular

Vectors is a new, international electronic journal dedicated to expanding the potentials of academic publication via emergent and transitional media. Vectors brings together visionary scholars with cutting-edge designers and technologists to propose a thorough rethinking of the dynamic relationship of form to content in academic research, focusing on the ways technology shapes, transforms and reconfigures social and cultural relations. Vectors will feature next-generation multimedia work, moving far beyond the ‘text with image’ format of most online scholarly publications. Applicants are encouraged to think beyond the computer screen to consider possibilities created by the proliferation of wireless technology, handheld devices, alternative exhibition venues, etc.

Fellows will also have the possibility to imagine scholarly applications for newly developing technologies through productive collaborations with scientists and engineers. Projects may translate existing scholarly work or be entirely conceived for new media. We are particularly interested in work that re-imagines the role of the user and seeks to reach broader publics while creatively exploring the value of collaboration and interactivity.


ARTICLE | Triple J reshuffles its arts programming

by Ben Eltham
Source: ArtsHub
Monday 19 January 2004

Ben Eltham reports in ArtsHub that "National youth broadcaster Triple J announced last week that it was cancelling Artery, the network’s long-running arts and contemporary culture program, and reshuffling its arts programming across the network. Artery’s Wednesday-night slot has been filled by SHORT.FAST.LOUD, a specialist punk program catering to that genre’s growing popularity amongst Triple J’s demographic. The decision has heralded a change in the way arts is covered on Triple J."

Read the full article online at:

ARTICLE | Situation Critical

by Charles Saumarez Smith
Source: The Guardian Weekly

The best criticism is stimulating, irritating - and makes you look again. That's the kind of art writing Charles Saumarez Smith is searching for as a judge for the new Modern Painters/Guardian prize

Read the full article online at:

ESSAY | but it started out so well

A paper presented at the Hatched Symposium - Art Writing and Publishing, PICA, Perth
by Robert Cook

"Art writing is about being a body in a space. This body that walks into a gallery is a body brimming with shame. The body makes a spectacle of itself every time it pulls out its notebook. It boasts, implicitly, about its opinion to come.

"Art writing tends towards sexual release.

"Yet art writing is always frustrated. Your pen works only half of the time, you can never find your notebook.

"You engage in fuzzy pillow talk. It’s such a big effort to get it straight.

"And most of the time getting it straight, getting it all down soberly, is enough.

"It’s enough because you’re so tired all of the time because art writing does not pay and you have to do too many jobs to support yourself but you cling to it because it’s the closest you’ve ever come to being what they called at school an intellectual but you’re finding that exhaustion and bitterness are dogging you all the time like that chimp you met in the forest but you say that and I still do not feel sorry for you you’re always trying this on trying to win the sympathy vote that’s your pathetic style."

Read the full paper online at: