ARTICLE | Subversion ...
... The Continuation of a Dialogue
Nicolás Guagnini
Source: NYFA Interactive
Although its heyday is some 30-plus years deep into art history, there was a brief era when the artist’s manipulation of the art magazine wasn’t entirely uncommon in the US. These days, art magazines are more closely guarded and more explicitly commercial, which makes Nicolás Guagnini’s subversive use of Time Out New York’s art section all the more outrageous and compelling. In 2003-4, Guagnini wrote seven reviews of exhibitions in New York. There was a caveat: in each review he forced himself to work in a reference to either primates or excrement. He succeeded (without being found out), and ultimately released the volume The Seven Reviews of Monkeys and Shit, which he displayed at Printed Matter in New York in 2004. The following is Guagnini’s response to the letter he received from NYFA Current Editor Nick Stillman requesting more information about the project.
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