Ten by Ten is a new portfolio project presented by LAXART and Uber.com. Ten by Ten is a monthly dialogue between 10 artists and 10 writers. Each artist participating in the portfolio project has designed an Uber page as a combination studio/gallery/personal profile. After visiting the artist's page each writer contributes a piece of critical commentary that describes the work, raises questions about its implications and sets it within a new -- sometimes highly subjective -- frame of reference.
As one of Los Angeles' foremost forward-thinking non-profit contemporary art spaces, LAXART offers access to a broad range of visual art, architecture and design. Uber is an artist-driven social network that gives users an opportunity to share their work in an environment that expands beyond the boundaries of the conventional gallery setting into a trans-national virtual realm.
Ten by Ten is where these strains of information intersect. Each artist and writer's Uber page is linked to the Ten by Ten space; it is a hub from which the Uber user can embark on any number of pathways. It's a place to experience art and writing, and also a forum that will foster further collaboration, camaraderie and discussion within Uber's diverse community of artists, musicians, makers and discerning media users. Future editions of the portfolio project will continue to feature new and emerging talent from within the community that is gathering at Uber, LAXART and Ten by Ten.
To enjoy Ten by Ten go to
http://www.uber.com/artFor more information on LAXART programming