posted by linda at
8:55 am
CONTRIBUTIONS | Are very welcome! Please keep contributions short and pointed (500 words or less). And please also remember this is a voluntary undertaking involving sporadic energies and limited time.
DISCLAIMER | The editor and publisher disclaims any warranties, express or implied, regarding any matter whatsoever relating to any content or reference in the newsletter, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. The contents of this newsletter do not reflect the opinions or views of anyone involved in the production of the publication. Published from Brisbane, Australia.
DISTRIBUTION | artArt is published and syndicated with a view to open distribution and access. Please feel free to redistribute and republish, but please acknowledge the source especially for by-lined material.
EDITOR & PUBLISHER | Linda Carroli
ARTWORLD | "A community is formed as soon as you and I find some object worth talking about, even if we are the only people who take
an interest in that artifact. When our shared interest leads us to record our dialogue, it is possible that soon enough readers, too,
will come to share our interest ... A community is defined, in part, by willingness to engage in intellectual exchange."
- David Carrier