June 24, 2004


We are pleased to announce the extremely foxy Summer artist book launched on 18 June at 6pm at the Farm, 358 George St.

Start sweating now! Temporarily encased within a three-fold hand-printed sleeve Summer comprises a full colour booklet of artist pages, a double-sided full colour poster featuring public and artist-run gallery projects, a button from a series curated by the Tourists, and a sticker from the Tacky Two exhibition.

Summer will be sold for the great price of $22.00. Summer has been edited by Amanda Cuyler and Sally Brand and designed by Miranda Williams and is supported by the Federal Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory board.


June 21, 2004

Aspect Magazine - Text and Language

Aspect Magazine
Text and Language
Deadline: 15/08/04

Accepting submissions for the Fall 2004 edition of its biannual DVD publication

With the publication of Aspect Magazine, cutting-edge experimental artists finally have a magazine that embraces their mediums. Utilizing a multi-media format to showcase these works of new media art, Aspect creates a museum experience in the home or classroom. Aspect's third volume will feature artists working with text and language in their art.

The staff of Aspect is asking curators, art critics, and members of the contemporary art community to help assemble and comment on works for the next issue by submitting a work of art on which they wish to provide audio commentary. Due to the format of the publication, the criteria for selection will include both the qualifications of the commentator and the quality of the video submitted. Audio recordings of the commentary will be assembled after the submissions have been selected.

Submissions should include:
:: Resume of the commentator
:: brief notes outlining the contents of the proposed commentary
:: video documentation of a work or small group of works by a single artist
:: resume of the artist
:: contact information for the commentator

Submitters will be contacted via email no later than 30 September 2004. Once submissions are accepted the following will be required in digital format:
:: An uncompressed, digital copy of the video work MPEG compressed DVDs will no be accepted. Full screen, uncompressed Quicktime or AVI files recorded on a data DVD-R will be accepted.
:: An artist statement for the work
:: A digital picture of the artist
:: A short bio of the artist
:: A digital picture of the commentator
:: A short bio of the commentator

Aspect Magazine
Michael Mittelman - Editor

First National Artists' Book Forum Papers

Papers from the First National Artists' Book Forum can now be found at the Artspace Mackay website at http://www.artspacemackay.com.au.

The First National Artists' Book Forum was held at Artspace Mackay in February 2004 and speakers included artists, curators, librarians, academics and gallery owners discussing the artform of artists' books.

To find the papers go to the pages titled artists' books and follow the links.

Papers published online from the Forum include: Dianne Fogwell, Jan Davis, Buno Leti, Ken Orchard, Noreen Graham, Kirsty Grant and Maryke Stagg.

Books : Works of Imagination 04

Books 2004
29 August - 17 October
Noose Regional Gallery
Deadline: 11 July
Entry forms for Books 2004 are printed and available.

Workshop Dates for your diaries are: ($40 per day)
:: 'Exploring the Book' by Judy Barass - 24 April 10am-4pm
:: 'Small Ceremonies' by Glen Skien - 21 & 22 August, 10am-4pm
:: 'Nature as Narrative' by Corrie Wright - 4 & 5 September, 10am-4pm
:: 'From Piano Hinge to Concertina' by Di Tait - Saturday 11 September, 10am-4pm

The fascination for artist's books by both artists and visitors has surpassed all our expectations! The artist book is so open to creative interpretation that artists working in many other kinds of mediums can contribute whilst introductory book binding workshop participants very quickly become hooked. The accessible nature of the medium attracts visitors, young and old. It is not surprising then that Books : Works of Imagination has grown from its humble beginnings in the foyer of the Noosa Regional Gallery in 1997 into a national event. To mark this phenomenal growth, Books now takes it's rightful place in the entire Noosa Regional Gallery space.

Books : Works of Imagination exhibits artist's books from national and international artists and will also include participation from students. Workshop programs include talks by recognised paper and book artists, as well as family day activities associated with book making. The e-book is also now a part of the Books exhibition, providing a new dynamic element to the way we see and appreciate the art of books. We invite book artists, as well as artists new to the medium, to participate in the annual Books event.